
Wednesday, 20 June 2012


It is probably something you have heard before - "Just do the basics well". Yet we seem to be very adept at making things more complicated than they need to be - we look beyond the mark, find complexity, see obstacles, use excuses and basically find ways NOT to do things as simply as we could...

Perhaps it is part of human nature as the more we complicate things the less inclined we are to do them and that therefore provides us a reason NOT to do anything which ends up being the path of least resistance...

You see simple doesn't necessarily mean easy. In fact to keep things simple and resist the urge to overdo or complicate things is most often quite a bit harder to do. In fact, to simplify is usually to improve.

So what? Well a lot of life is about making things as simple as possible. Lets use nutrition as an example. Do we read and read and read and try and try and try all the latest things out about nutrition and still not get the results we want.

Do I count calories or not, buy free range or hormone free, go vegan or go raw or vegetarian, eat this meat or that meat, drink fruit juice freshly squeezed or eat fruit, do I have this food or drink 30 minutes before or 2 hours after that....... and on and on it goes until we get to the point where things are so complicated you either don't eat anything or you just eat everything!

Keep it simple I say. The simplest way I've found is to listen to what your body tells you. Get really good and knowing yourself and understanding how you are feeling. Sounds a bit weird but hey if I feel like a drink I'll have one, if I'm hungry I'll eat and by the same token if I don't feel hungry I won't eat.

We seem to have gotten so out of touch with what our bodies are trying to tell us that we have ended up eating ourselves senseless - as in no longer able to make sense of or understand what our bodies are telling us.

Simplest thing you can do is STOP and LISTEN! Get to know what that food is doing to you!

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