
Tuesday, 15 May 2012

FitPro visits the Cardiac Club

This week I was asked to come along to the recently formed Cardiac Club run by one of the local personal trainers in association with the National Heart Foundation.

They asked me to come along and talk about medicines that these people are on. And that is cool. I don't mind talking about the medicines that I have spent many years of my life learning about and dispensing out to lots of people. And I have done plenty of those talks before.... only difference was before I was more or less encouraging people to take their medicines according to prescribed instructions.

This time however I found that I was catching myself before saying things like "stick to the directions on the label" and "follow what the doctor has said to you". You see the difference is that now I have come to the point where I believe that there are many medicines that people do NOT need to be on and should NOT be taking. In fact there are many that I wish many people were OFF completely. The more I work in primary health care the more I realise that it just aint workin for so many people the way we have things set up currently.

We go to the doctor when we are not feeling well (likely because we are eating foods that our bodies cannot tolerate, or are stressed with all manner of work/family/psychological issues, or are not really moving around as much as we should) and expect that the doctor can somehow magically make all that stuff right in a 10-15 minute conversation with a prescription!! Does that make sense at all? We go in with symptoms of dis-ease (our body is not at ease for whatever reason), and come out with something to control or mask those symptoms.... without making any changes to or addressing the cause of the disease... that's messed up!! Yet that is exactly what most people do these days.

Sure there is not enough time to get through the waiting rooms full of people with acute symptoms when we spend more time with people actually trying to address the cause. Well that is the usual answer you would get anyway - but what is the point of spending even that small amount of time on only symptom control when you would save time in the long run by helping people understand WHY they have those symptoms and giving them something to go and try to change in their lifestyle that would help them long term.

Just like Paul Chek's "last 4 doctors you will ever need"
Dr Quiet
Dr Diet
Dr Movement
Dr Happiness

Start by addressing those 4 main areas and you will soon see that some symptoms will disappear as you address the root cause. You will start to feel much better generally and will likely do more with all the extra energy you will have.

Also I just read this the other day...

...which points to sugar being one of the main things causing some of the chronic conditions many face today. In fact I read in a local health article this week that over 80% of the health spend goes on people with chronic conditions. Imagine the savings if we just cut out the sugar! Problem is we are all so addicted to it! Don't believe me? Take the 3 week challenge and see if you can last 3 weeks without sugar. That would include anything that comes in the aisles of the supermarket as they all contain sugar in some form, any wheat based product as that breaks down rapidly into glucose and pretty much any processed food! So that leaves you with lots of vegetables and meat and nuts.

You're probably thinking 3 weeks is such a looooooonnnnngggggg time. So what you can do is wake up each morning and tell yourself that for just this ONE day, I will eat only REAL foods (so not any processed foods only veges and some meat and nuts). Do that each day for 21 days and you're done!

If you manage to do it you will find that you lose weight even though you are eating more and feel full for longer, see skin improvements, feel healthier and have more energy - and all that without even doing any exercise yet! You will probably feel so good that you WANT to go and get active!

Give it a go and see how you like it - maybe next time I will go into the biochem of how getting off the sugar will actually get your body burning fat for fuel instead of all the sugar you've been giving it.

Have an AWESOME week!!

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