
Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Are we really addicted to sugar?

Could we really be sugarholics? Are there actually sugar addiction groups?

Apparently we are sugar addicts and sugar is a poison. Just finished reading Sweet Poison and Sweet Poison Quit Plan by David Gillespie - very interesting books and ones you should read to understand more about this whole sugar thing that many have been asking me about.

Basically, the simple story is that there is A LOT of hidden sugar in our diet. And it is pretty much in everything that comes in a package, packet, can or box in the supermarket.

What happens is that it gets added to foods so that we enjoy the taste of them - some other stuff I have read about actually shows that we feel rewarded (dopamine is released in the brain) when we eat sugar which is why we keep wanting to eat it - check out the 60 minutes video about sugar.

Best thing you can do to reduce sugar in your diet is to eat in a primal / paleo / ancestral / old school pre 1950s or whatever you want to call it type of way..

That means IGNORE most if the stuff you hear these days from the Heart Foundation or other National organisations telling us to eat heaps of grains as per food pyramid (which now contain lots of sugars), eat no/low fat options (which means we don't get full and so want to eat and eat and eat), and eat only x calories each day (which makes us count calories and forget how to listen to what our body is telling us).

What we need to do is eat like our grandparents / great grandparents ate. Eat REAL FOOD that doesn't have a label on it naming all those things we can't pronounce and your body can't metabolise, eat more good fats (yes there is such a thing), and eat until you are full.

Once you start eating less sugar and hopefully get rid of as much of it as you can from your regular diet and the family diet, then your body will switch to burning fat mode and you will use that stored energy all the time. Yes, that is what fat is - stored energy.

The other day I went through HOW sugar gets turned into fat (when there is too much of it going around in the bloodstream), with one of our corporate teams. They found that particularly interesting so maybe I will have to try doing a few pictures here on the computer and put that in the next blog.

Til next time people - CUT the SUGAR!!