
Wednesday, 14 December 2011

scales vs look - what is the outcome you really want??

I was working with some clients this morning and in talking to one of them we ended up discussing about weight and appearance.

His goal was to lose a bit of fat around the stomach area and he mentioned that although he has not been on the scales in a while, he has had comments from people that he looks slimmer and has had further testament from the fact that a pair of jeans he could NOT fit a year ago now fit again!

I guess the question here is does it really matter what number you are on the scales? I mean do you really take your scales with you and show others what you weigh when you want to show them how much you have achieved? 

Probably not... unless you have some kind of pocket sized scales set.... It is probably more likely that your friends and family will notice first and say to you that you look like you have lost weight. Isn't this a better outcome than telling them the new number that you weigh.

I try to help my clients focus on the outcome they really want. I ask them if it is the number on the scales they want or the comments from others that notice how great you look. ALL want to hear it from someone else that they are looking better!

I guess one thing that is really cool about looking good is that you then start to feel good.

Most of the time your friends and family can tell; in the way you present yourself, in the way your face glows or in the way you seem to ooze confidence. That's what I've found to be the real outcome that people want. They want to feel confident around others because they realise that the more confidence they have the more they can do - it's all about believing in yourself and what you can do.

Most have heard this quote before:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

I suppose this post then brings up the question - why do so many of us really care so much about what other people think of us? I was talking to a friend about that yesterday actually on the way home from Otaki but that's a whole new blog all on its own!!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Super changers!

What an awesome day!

I had some awesome sessions today with a few of our 'changers' aka clients. It is great to see that changes that they have made and the way it makes them feel. One in particular has noticed he has to get a whole new wardrobe as the clothes (pants particularly) are falling off him. It has only been 7 weeks and already he has lost 6.5kg and moved his belt in a couple of notches!

This is the stuff that really brings that good feeling that you are actually making a positive impact on someones life. They feel good about themselves, you feel good because they are feeling good - just a whole lot of positive energy!

It saddens me when I compare this with what I used to do before in the pharmacy dispensing medicines, hardly getting the chance to talk with someone or help in some way to change their life. I'm certainly glad that I now am able to help others so much more by making a positive impact in helping them achieve their health and wellness goals and getting results!

If this sounds like something you would like to do then don't hesitate to get in touch with us here at FitPro Life Changers. Helping you make those lifestyle changes you have tried to do so many times before is what we do -  and the way we do it is simple. There is nothing too hard or too complicated - you learn and grow at your own pace and once a principle has been learned and applied, we move on to the next one until we have started to develop in all the areas needed to sustain lifestyle change. Of course there is always room to improve but we know this current system works as it has helped so many already get the results they wanted!

Why not book in now to have a chat with one of our life changers! We can promise you that you will feel so much the better for it.

Email us now at and book your place today!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Welcome to LifeChange Clinics

We are pregnant with information as my friend says!! 

The advent of the internet has only accelerated this exponentially! Not only is there so much information but there is also the issue that this information does not all say the same thing - that would be too easy. What results is that people know lots of different stuff, the conflicting arguments for and against, and in the end do nothing at all!

What we mainly struggle with is not only deciding WHAT the right thing to do, but also HOW to then apply what we do know.

This therefore is the intent of this blog and in fact FitPro itself as an organisation. We provide systems that help us make lifestyle changes based on what we have decided is right, after taking in all the information, and by then doing what is right for us!

This blog will now discuss what the right things are to do, and how you can then do these things! If that sounds interesting to you then please become a changer and follow along - I look forward to reading your comments!

Check out our facebook page @